Random thoughts about using computers to do things. Presently using an Alienware Aurora Desktop (Windows 10) , a Dell XPS 13 developer edition (Ubuntu 19.04) a Dell Precision M2800 laptop (Windows 10), a Mac Mini, an Apple iPhone 7, an Apple iPad 6, a Samsung Galaxy S8, a Samsung Tab A (2018), an iPod Classic 160GB plus CD's, DVD's, USB keys, and zip disks everywhere. Enjoy learning computing with me.
Monday, December 31, 2007
The Keyboard Monitor switch is hooked up now.
The memory arrived in the mail and was Desktop RAM not laptop RAM.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Keyboard, monitor switch.
I am updating Fink
Friday, December 28, 2007
1 GB memory upgrade may be this evening.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I bought ink this evening but the buying has to stop now.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I burned the two more 8 GB DVD's.
The year end back up continues
To continue to clear the hard drive I have deleted all the twenty some CD's of Debian 4.0. I have burned some of these to CD and what I deleted was the original downloads. If I have too I could download these again. I have also not had to use these as my last Debian install was done with a net install disk. I do not have too many other files I can just delete. I have about 51 GB free space now. I need about 85 at present to hold my iTunes library for streaming. If I can meet this goal with this drive I will not need a new drive.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Year end back ups started.
I will want to buy more blank DVD's at the boxing day sales.
I learned to unlock the burn folders after the first burn and it was this locked aspect which was giving me a lot of trouble in the past with burning DVD's and the Finder going into non-response.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
iTunes on the Windows box.
Annual year end backups; getting ready for the end of the year.
I am doing things with iTunes.
I have so far started to use the Thinkcentre windows side to sync my Blackberry. Now I will also use it for iTunes and the Wireless Music Bridge. Since I have started to use iTunes on Windows I have had nothing but headaches loading all my music. This past hour I decided to delete everything on that iTunes.
I am also backing up my eMac iTunes to some 4.7 GB DVD's but this has been headache prone too. Right now I am starting again; having ruined three DVD's trying. First, I am downloading a bunch of podcasts. When those are updated, I will back up the iTunes on the eMac.
I also have been using iTunes on the IBM to get my songs from the library of music to my Blackberry. This was the initial reason to put iTunes there. This worked but the Blackberry is troublesome for listening to music while traveling around on the bus. It turns off and on and stuff. I have still have not learned all the buttons or the lock screen function beyond using it once only.
Monday, December 17, 2007
I backed up this blog.
We did not get to those paypal and amazon problems with the neighbour.
I am now home and was playing some computer games and now am back to transferring songs to my new cell phone, the Blackberry.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I am helping a neighbour with Paypal and amazon
How to get iTunes into the Blackberry.
Desktop PC.
But I have not been using the WinXP Operating system much on the IBM desktop so I am having to spend an hour or two downloading updates from Microsoft now. The reason I am needing to use the Desktop PC rather than the Macbook WinXP is that the Macbook Win XP partition is almost full and I need to save that for my SAS install. I use SAS at work and need to have a home copy to learn on and have a school license for SAS.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Email, contacts, address books between Palms, Blackberries, and computers.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I could not find my Palm hotsync cable.
As I proof read this entry I tried one more time to look around where I usually leave my cables and saw the tell tale end that fits in the Palm. So I have now found the cable and will log off the Macbook Leopard and log into Win XP and try to transfer my contacts and and calendar to my Blackberry which arrived yesterday.
I am already using the Blackberry Facebook application and have downloaded 250 KB so far on the Blackberry of my 4 MB monthly limit. But for now I am ready to sync the two devices. First, I will back up the Palm to the eMac.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Getting ready for the Blackberry.
Memory for the Debian Computer would not cost too, too much.
Archiving and moving to Linux.
I opened some backup folders in Linux and copied my Old Computer folder and some Mac backups while archiving these to the Linux desktop home folder. I also updated the Linux computer today. I tried out Kate for my dtd file and also opened a school project written in C# with Kate and used the highlighting. Right now the Linux computer is turned off to save power.
I am buying a Blackberry 8130 cell phone/pda.
Monday, November 26, 2007
One laptop per child
Memory upgrades.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Second Life viewer on Linux
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Leopard updated this morning
Monday, November 12, 2007
Only hardware issues so far with new IBM desktop.
Leopard is taking a little getting used to.
The Visual Studio project is done now.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Leopard install is complete now
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Leopard install has begun
One last task before install of Leopard is dragging out but that's because I am not working on it right now.
Then Monday I install Debian 4.0 r1 on an IBM M50 desktop which should arrive that day. I have Monday off of work. I will post details of the Linux install after the Leopard install is done but I am right now also preparing for the Linux install but won't give details right now.
You should back up your computer before installing an upgrade or new OS.
So far I have burned four DVD's of the Desktop folder as of last night. I burned two of these DVD's on Kodak DVD's and two on Memorex DVD's. I also did this with four disks for the documents folder. All other folders than documents and desktop were considered two large for DVD back up.
I also used one external 250 LaCie USB hard drive to copy these two folders once. I also used my eMac and the LaCie back up software on the eMac to back up the user folder on the Macbook to a second LaCie 250 USB external drive attached to the eMac. These two computers are connected to a router in common which keeps them networked together.
Another step is still in progress and that is to use the LaCie backup software on the Macbook to back up many different folders like the systems folder, the users folder, the library, and the applications folder to a third smaller 160 GB LaCie USB external drive. So far backing up the applications folder this way has not worked so a copy of it was copied to the drive.
Windows XP is also installed on the Macbook so a copy of the major folders was made to the first USB external drive mentioned above and then this was copied to the third drive as well. Some Windows folders on the Macbook could not be copied due to permissions issues.
The last step will be to use the LaCie back up software to make one more copy of the user folder to the third drive. Then the backups will be considered completed.
Installing Leopard on the Macbook.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The community group web site will not close.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
New computer ordered.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
ProView 17" monitor works with Solaris machine.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Pain staking hand editing of Moving Type(MT) main index file worked.
I used the witty name for the blog Just a Second Life Avatar's Blog. I made a table banner with 40 little Second Life screen pictures of my avatar. This was what took the hand coding. It was tough uploading too. I made a goal to completing this before going out today and I am now done. So I achieved this goal. I worked very hard.
I spent the day at work coding in SAS.
I also have been able to become an obsessive documenter. I wrote a lot of comments in my code today explaining each and every step in SAS comment lines. Being a blogger of my own daily life and other mundane topics has improved my skills in this regard.
Second Life progress update.
I have now learned more about Second Life by reading books. I read just a little of the Offical Guide to Second Life and with that created another account and avatar and went through orientation island again where I better learned to fly. This has really helped me out. I moved my house or should I say my offices to a PG sim and it is more pleasant to see on screen now. I find I am spending more time on-line there now in this virtual reality world that is like photoshop for 3 dimensional stuff. It has cost me close to 400 dollars now in about 1.5 years of use.
I am going to open a blog now for this virtual world and report my progress there. I will post the new blog address here when it is set up.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Closing a web site for a community group I am associated with and worked for on this web site.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Backups continuing.
Starting to think my eMac is going to replaced with an iMac.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I am properly "by the book" reconditioning my Macbook battery.
All computers are working well.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
The book Windows Vista for Dummies arrived in 3 days from Amzon.ca and in two business days.
BackUps begun for month end and quarter end time.
Monday, October 01, 2007
The computer was delivered and my friend gave me an Obusforme backpack for my work.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I am learning facebook application development.
I bought a computer and printer for my partner's friend.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The avatar Hover Jetcity has completed orientation island now.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Second Second Life character started up in the orientation island.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
My Second Life offices have been moved.
A monitor for the Sun Ultra 5.
I am using bittorrent to download and upload Debian Linux 4.0 r 1.
Vista deleted and WinXP used to install SAS.
Friday, September 14, 2007
My first land sale in Second Life and now I am selling all my land.
I have not been using the Sun or Linux computers much.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ink supplies bought this month on credit.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
New accounts at school.
Open Office means Neo Office.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I am doing my very first secure erase using...Mac OS X Disk Utility!
I did buy an Optoma projector but then returned it.
I have not used the Sun Computer much but have spent one hour or so with it exploring.
I am presently thinking of buying Silicon Graphics monitor for 20$. But with more spending I could try to put together a Silicon graphics workstation for a cartoonist friend who knows a little of how to use such a workstation. This means more money but also leaves the problem of suitable Sun Monitor unaddressed.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Sun workstation is up and running but needs to be updated still.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The solaris install is progressing nicely
I found out how to change the boot device and am installing Solaris 10 now on the Sun Ultra Sparc 5.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I spoke too soon the Ultra 5 stilll has its OS from its old install.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Sun Ultra 5 boots off the CD and shows up on the monitor.
Monday, August 06, 2007
I found an article on open souce software projects from a social perspective.
- Barcellini, Flore et al. A study of Online Discussions in an Open-Source Software Community: Reconstructing Thematic Coherence and Argumentation from Quotation Practices in van den Besselaar, Peter, et. al. eds. Communities and Technologies 2005 (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2005) at 301-320.
- This would help me with working on my masters thesis with management professor John C. Nash who has this as one of his study topics although he focuses more on forecasting in the field of scientific software. I am going to hear him talk tomorrow on his topic, Tuesday evening at the local Linux users group meeting for August.
I bought a CD/DVD cabinet and now my software is neater.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
My Second Life land is growing.
I have now 6 lots of 512 sq meters each or 3072 sq m. Meaning I must pay the 4096 sq m price now of 25$/month. My next payment is in 10 days. The purchase cost me 5000 L$(Linden dollars) and I needed to purchase 2000 L$ to complete the transaction. If I keep paying this amount I can add two more 512 sq m lots.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Burning printable CD's of Solaris 10.
I am copying the CD images from a DVD back up disk to my Macbook to do the burning.
I bought my first purchase at Best Buy yesterday.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Use of facebook and Second Life push email back a bit.
I might buy a Sun keyboard and mouse today.
Friday, July 27, 2007
I now have a Sun Ultra 5 and some 512 MB of Ultra 5 RAM.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Solaris progress.
Deleting and backing up.
I will then burn the CD's for Solaris. Then I will burn the archive DVD backup twice. I will then delete the CD's from the Desktop folder they were downloaded too. I will also then delete the DVD burn folder. While I wait for these processes I will read more of The Unofficial Tourist's Guide to Second Life
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Solaris 10 downloaded.
I bought the unoffical tourists guide to Second Life at Chapters this evening.
Also for 10 dollars and tax I bought an Ikea keyboard shelf and installed it on my Jerker computer desk in my office. My eMac is on this desk. I also keep my Sony monitor there but this monitor is only used as a TV right now. May be I will have a sun computer hooked up to it soon and need space on the desk for a second keyboard.
I won 512 MB of Sun Ultra 5 ram on ebay.
I deleted Debian 4.0 iso disks 1-6 which I was sharing.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Recording audio on DVD.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I have used computer speakers so others in the room can hear my Macbook.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I am giving away things.
I backed up my Macbook.
Monday, July 02, 2007
I did some photo printing with the Macbook and IP90 Canon printer.
Starting Gaim
I got Gaim working fine under X11 and KDE Desktop on my Macbook.
- Gaim start up script for Macbook and X11 terminal
- cd /sw/bin
I unistalled the trial version of Photoshop CS3
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I am tinkering with my Compaq this weekend and have basically upgraded to Sarge from Woody.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Mav unit will cost about 350$ and I can not afford it now.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Our neighbour gave us a 17 inch computer monitor which I will now give away.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Trying to buy a Xybernaut computer.
I was successful at installing Debian 3.0 r 2 onto the Compaq Presario 1210 Pentium 1 150 Mhz computer.
I am getting somewhere with installing Debian 3.0 r 2 on the old Pentium 1 Compaq Presario 1210.
The problem now could come from the security updates from the Internet adjusting the distribution up from Woody to Etch and I don't want that to happen.
I am installing a trial version of Photoshop CS3 and also installed a graphic resizing widget for dashboard.
That darn Compaq laptop.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Toshiba 4010 CDT bought and then given away.
Using my Palm Treo for music.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I checked the LaCie harddrives fior viruses.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Back ups.
For the eMac I copied the desktop and Documents folders to a different external hard drive. I will now use the LaCie software to back up the user account on the eMac. To do this I will need to delete the former back up and then do the back up.
Friday, May 11, 2007
I have trouble burning disks of files and folders on my Macs.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Social networking today.
Back ups today.
Monday, May 07, 2007
I am giving up today trying to install Debian 4.0 r 0 on the old compaq.
Friday, May 04, 2007
For coworkers today.
Both of my Mac's are working well but my Linux laptop will not install Debian 4.0 r 0 cleanly.
I was tested on my ability to use Excel, Word, Page Maker and Distiller at work.
Monday, April 30, 2007
I used Word Press again today.
Friday, April 27, 2007
I was able to make a link to Konquorer on my KDE desktop.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I bought PageMaker 6.5 for the Mac.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
More success with KDE on the Macbook
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I am working on KDE for the Macbook this morning. I got KDE desktop started!
I search google for "mac kde fink" and found www.racoonfink.com Tales of the Racoon Fink. I sent the author of that blog an email.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I reconditioned my Macbook battery and my iPod battery.
I burned the 8 Debian 4.0 r 0 CD disks and will now burn the one net install disk.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Debian 4.0 has been released.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The Macbook battery from Futureshop was dead and did not work.
Friday, April 13, 2007
The battery for my Macbook
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I have all but one part to affect the solar powering of my Treo 600 now.
Monday, April 09, 2007
I am hoping to buy an extra battery for my Macbook.
I am using LaCie's back up software to make a back up of my eMac.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Real Sony stuff.
On-Line Chess Kingdoms
Programming studies continuing.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
I again was sucessful progamming in R.
My idea now is to have two random walkers and start one walker later and see if the two walkers meet.
About two weeks ago now I installed the Matrix on-line game on my eMac under Win2K
Friday, March 30, 2007
I programmed in two different languages this morning.
I also programmed in R and again made a simulation but this time did in fact copy the code from a professor although I did the copying from memory and actually researched in R help files each command and created more to the program than the professor had written quickly on the blackboard on Wednesday. So it may not have taken my complete own initiative but in the end I programmed in the sense of implementing some code and getting it to work. To complete this R project I must design a graph of the results and then do a write up for a general non expert audience.
Since writing my first entry today on this blog I have rewritten my web master resume using
Just perfecting a resume this morning for a publication job.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I deleted some movie files after backing them up to CD and also an external hard drive.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Today's computing
Monday, February 26, 2007
The scanner is working and nothing seems amiss.
I am making some backup DVD's of my documents folder today.
I ran out of ink for my Brother copier and am installing my Canon scanner model FB630U.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I am backing up my eMac user account today.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A total of ten DVD's burned.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Stella 5 and 9
I have two school provided softwares now installed on my Macbook.
Teaching a friend about MySpace.
Vista will not work on a virtual PC on my eMac.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
KDE on a Macintosh
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Nothing much new on my home machines, but I did continue with the redesign of my home office.
I did help my neighbour by transfering the old files and folders from her Win 95 machine to her Thinkpad. I also got the Thinkpad outlook express working for her email. She paid me a bottle of alcohol which I gave away to another radical graduate student.
In my web master job I set up some blogs for more people using moveable type at yahoo hosting. I also gave these people a teaching session in person to explain blogging and get them interested. They gave me their on-line nick names during the in person session and I set up most of thier blogs now and just need to set up one more blog.
I cleaned up my office some more and am getting a fresh look to my office.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
My iPod is up to date and powered up for a day of listening at work.
I now have a copy of Windows Vista Business Edition burnt.
In other OS news I am trying to install KDE on my Macbook which is a major challenge I am finding.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Networking a virtual PC
Using Fink Commander and trying to install gimp and also KDE.
I am also downloading Vista business edition for my eMac. I will run this windows version in Virtual PC.
Working with dreamweaver on the youphone.ca web site index page
Social networking web site use today
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I have registered a new domain and have started to work on a web site for it.
I used dreamweaver to start to design a web site for my new domain. Right now www.youphone.ca points to my radical www.cyborgcitzen.org web site. I had also thought of buying the French translation www.vousphonez.ca but held off on this for now. I am becoming more of a bilingual web master these days and have at least one bilingual web site I publish.
I am now using Firefox more often.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Latest tech purchase: a 17 inch widescreen monitor.
Adding titles to posts on this blog for better rss feeds on my screen saver.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Here is a link to his original post LaTeX on blogger http://servalx02.blogspot.com/2007/01/latex-on-blogger.htmland the same post I think in French LaTeX dans blogger at http://wolverine-mathematic.blogspot.com/2007/01/latex-dans-blogger.html.
I accidentally flagged his blog as objectable content because I forgot what flagging meant on the blog pages at blogger. I meant to add it to a blogger bookmarks system which of course does not exist. I hereby appologize to this blogger user.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
My office redesign continues. I am using the new computer desk and one of two desks that are being taken out of my office is now out of the office and waiting for a friend to pick it up for her use. The other desk has still not been moved.
The office will possibly get a new TV that will also function as a second computer monitor.
Monday, January 08, 2007
I also used the LaCie back up software to again back up the user folder on the new eMac, eMac2. But I can not yet make multiple copies of this user folder but only have enough space for one copy at a time.