Saturday, July 26, 2008

Back ups continue

I have two documents folders from the Macbook 1 from 2007 backuped to DVD now and have started on a third folder.

The DVD drive in my eMac is still stuck closed

I have not been able to open the DVD drive of my eMac.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Backups continue

I managed to burn one DVD of the documents folder for my Macbook. I made six copies. I call this Macbook, Macbook 1. So this is a 2008 copy of the Documents folder. I also completed burning the 2007 desktops about 6 of them from various months of 2007 of the Macbook. I am now going to make 7 sets of 6 copies of DVD's each of the documents folders from 2007. I have seven folders on a USB hard drive. So this is the next back up run for the Macbook. I am burning these disks at 1 X speed with no errors.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

One of these computers I traded for works and is complete.

So I traded away my Sun Ulltra 5 and got two 1U servers, three mid sized towers and one Dell laptop in exchange. I also traded a Peavey Stereo EQ. The stereo EQ cost 99 dollars and was really a mistake as it was a monster and very old. When I can afford it I will buy a proper modern EQ for our music gear set up. So I was testing out these computers and one of the towers seems to be missing a hard drive. One of the towers is a Dell Pentium III 600 Mhz machine and it works and is complete. It has an 80 GB hard drive. I installed Debian 4.0 r3 on it and set it up for someone who I will donate it too.

For the servers I bought a Pentium M processor for one of them and got that in the mail, installed it and it starts up but does not post. The other 1U server is a Sun Fire v120 and for that I bought two hard drives 18 GB models 4177, the right hard drives with caddies. I am waiting for those to arrive in the mail. Other than that I have done no work on the servers. I need to learn more about operating servers.

The Dell laptop needs a power supply and is a Pentium II computer and has one USB port and a Modem.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Back ups at present

I have backed up this blog and my studies blog now. I have not done more work on the bibliography though. I also have the Macbook desktops from 2007 backed up to DVD. Again I have 6 copies of this DVD. I now must move on to backing up the 2007 documents folders from the Macbook. I also have backed up the eMac to DVD but did not label the disks so need to go through a stack of DVD's and load them in the Macbook and then write in magic marker on each DVD what it contains and which copy it is.

Friday, July 04, 2008

I did not back up my studies blog but did start some bibliography work.

I did manually enter the few books from my studies blog from October 2003 into RefWorks and made a rich text bibliography in ASA style. There are a few more books from that month of the blog and a case or two and some newspaper articles. I also downloaded and started to use BibDesk. With BibDesk I manually cited the first two months of the blog. Those files got saved in my studies blogs back up folder on my eMac. But other than that I dropped my bibliography work after the last post.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Back ups of this blog

Here is the path today. I was feeling guilty that I am not reading enough because I am borrowing about 40 books and instead of reading these I am cerfing the Internet. So I started to read some more of the O'Reilly book on PHP and MySQL. I read about MySQL and there is an example of SQL code for adding a book to a database. I get distracted and thought about making a database of all the books I have ever read. I then figured I could grab some books from my studies blog. I of course have to have all the posts to search. I then figured it is time to back up these blogger blogs. So I started with this one which is now five years old. I looked in my directories and found I have about two years of posts not copied and pasted into word processor files. So I have now copied all those approximately 24 months and now every month is copied and pasted from the web into a Microsoft word doc file.

Now I must to do the same for my studies and more studies blog then I can figure a way of scanning it for bibliographic cites. I typically used the McGill legal studies style for my citations. I have many choices now. I can do what the book recommends and use MySQL which is installed on my Macbook and on my Linux computer. I could also install MySQL on this eMac. Or it may in fact already be installed here. I could also use RefWorks but that depends on being a registered student at the university of Ottawa. I could use BibDesk and need to install that on this eMac. I could make a plain text file of the data or use Excel meaning use some tool not especially for books. I could also use Some of these book specific tools will be able to share the files. So the only problem now is to back up the studies and more studies blog and then extract the citations. From there I will go to RefWorks then download for BibTex and then manually up load to librarything. Also I could use Refworks "Grab it" and may be capture the books right off the blog pages. I may try that now. I am also thinking now before I leap that I should keep a separate list of books that have appeared on my blog only. Once again by writing I have helped solve some problems.

Hard drives for the Sun but thats it for now.

I can not really afford to be buying a lot of parts for the Sun v120 right now. I may buy some hard drives for about 30$ today but that would be it. I am more interested in buying camera gear and groceries at the moment.

This is a DVD for sale right now on ebay.

X8082A 371-0736 8x DVD-ROM/24x CD-ROM Drive.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Swapping computers and parts with someone.

I put the Sun Ultra 5 up for sale for 120$. I have an offer to trade it for some other machines. One machine is a partial Sun fire v120 with Intel 866 Mhz chip and 198 MB PC 100 RAM. Another machine is 1 U rack server with 256 MB DDR but no chip (I did just buy a 1.8 Ghz Pentium M chip for this). Also a foxconn server board again for a Pentium M chip. A few older pentium II's and Penitum III's and one Pentium IV. These older computers are with partial cases and drives.

I researched the Sun Fire v120 and also the Foxconn board which he says is brand new. I will post some of my research later.