Sunday, August 22, 2004

I started working through the simulation exercises in chapter 3 of Ross's Simulation. Here is the C++ program for simulating the random variable exp(exp(x)) between 0-1.

// A C++ program For integrating a continous random variable exp(exp(X)) between 0-1 and finding its expected value or mean.//
int Kvalue;
float Svalue;
int Seed;
float U;
int countK;
float Expected;

int main()

std::cout << "Enter integer for random seed: ";
std::cin >> Seed;
void srand(unsigned int Seed);

std::cout << "Enter integer for length of Simulation: ";
std::cin >> Kvalue;
Svalue = 0;
while (Kvalue >= countK)

U= (float) ( rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1 ) );
Svalue= Svalue + exp(exp(U));


Expected= Svalue/Kvalue;
std::cout << "Expected Value = ";
std::cout << Expected;
std::cout << "Svalue = ";
std::cout << Svalue;
std::cout << "Kvalue = ";
std::cout << Kvalue;
return 0;

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