Sunday, June 16, 2024

Final days of Windows 10 on the 12 year old Dell Vostro 3350.

This laptop has not had a lot of use over it's life. Right now the Windows 10 crashes soon after it boots up. I did just upgrade the Linux Kubuntu operating system on this laptop. The Linux Kubuntu used to always crash because the laptop has a hybrid video card. Now Kubuntu works fine. So I may just let go of the Windows side of this computer.

Alienware Desktop is still working fine after 5 years.

I bought this desktop the Dell Alienware Aurora 8 in 2019 and it has beenmy personal home computer since then. I do play Eve Online amd Second Life with this computer but it has found much more use for Zoom video conferencing during the pandemic and beyond. Here is a link to Dell for this particular computer.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

The last use of the Dell Precision M2800 laptop

I am just decommissioning my Dell M2800 Workstation laptop. In the end I did not do any heavy work computing with this machine, just basic home Internet stuff.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

I bought an Alienware computer again this time an Aurora desktop.

I have owned an Alienware M11X laptop and an Alienware M14X laptop before. I decided I rarely go anywhere with my gaming laptops, so I would get a desktop gaming machine. I got an Alienware monitor to go with it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I used rtweet to gather hashtagged posts from twitter.

I used rtweet to gather hashtagged posts from twitter. This is not part of my working day job but was related to volunteering so I could not use SAS in this context because of conflict of interest guidelines.

I used this documentation to help me:


Here is something interesting from that documentation.

It is no longer necessary to obtain a developer account and create your own Twitter application to use Twitter’s API. You may still choose to do this (gives you more stability and permissions), but {rtweet} should work out of the box assuming (a) you are working in an interactive/live session of R and (b) you have installed the {httpuv} package.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

New computer an XPS 13 Developer edition model

I did this summer buy a new computer that runs Linux. It works with most stuff software and hardware. It is my first solid date drive computer. It also only had USB C ports, so I an going to need a new audio digitizer that has a C connection.

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Success with Ubuntu 18.04 now

I was able to now update my Ubuntu Studio laptop with the new 18.04 Ubuntu Studio. I have not yet been successful with Kubuntu 18.04 on a different laptop. I am hoping on this different laptop that the hybrid video card issue is solved on the upgrade.

Friday, April 06, 2018

Starting to think more about a new Dell computer but also looking for Ubuntu OEM install.

I bought three computers from Dell with Ubuntu already installed. Although I could now afford a Linux Computer from Dell with a Red Hat OS on one of their higher performance workstations, I am still looking for a basic business or consumer machine with Ubuntu.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

I am losing interest in computer specs and computer prices seem to be rising.

I am not really planning on buying any new computers lately. I did purchase a 2009 Mac mini used from someone locally. I am using that to load my emails successfully from the middle 1990s. I would like to get the Linux fixed on the Dell laptop with the hybrid video card and have the solution researched a few times but not permanently implemented and written to configuration files yet. I do though have my 11 inch Dell Vostro that runs Linux fine but it is a very under powered computer and may not be enough for music production then again it may in fact, do a fine job.

Saturday, February 03, 2018

I am still loading emails into the MacOS Mac Mini computer

The Mac Mini Email software Mail is still downloading emails from 2010 to 2017 from my ISP’s POP back up folders. I intend to load all these emails and even older emails into one mbox file. Then I will test load that into my Ubuntu Studio laptop the Dell V130.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I am studying Python in depth now from some eBooks.

There were some eBooks bundled together that a statistician on Twitter told me about. She was trying to match donors with those wanting the books to arrange purchasing the bundles. I afforded the bundle for myself and am now reading two of the books. I am learning right now about Python installs and also development environments and package installation.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Backing up my laptop

I started to do a back up of my Dell workstation laptop. It is taking a long time because I have so many small Eve Online log files and Ingress notification emails. I really do not need to keep so many copies of these filed.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Email backup files can open in 'new to me' used Mac Mini.

I am able to import emails from more than twenty years ago to the Mac Mini. These were previously imported from backup files of a Mac Performa 580CD computer (A computer I used from 1995 to 1998-1999 that had my first computer mouse.). These mid-nineteen ninety emails were on Zip disk backups of the Performa at one point. I had previously imported these email files to my eMac sometime in the late 2000s. Now generally they are all mbox format files, so will open in a variety of email softwares including Linux email clients.

Now my project becomes loading all the emails I have from the past into the Mac Mini Mail software and then exporting them as one big mbox file. I will test with all the old Performa emails in one mbox file first. Then the challenge will be the Outlook Express files from the early 2000s. I believe I have lost most of my late 1990s emails on an old Windows 95 computer that was wiped. These Outlook email files have mostly already been imported into Mac Mail on the eMac, so this may be simple. Then it is simply a matter of importing more recent Outlook files form 2009 to 2017. I may organize these as one year at a time, mbox files.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Chosing a computer to record music

I wonder what computer I should use to record music? I am thinking my new used Mac Mini may do this but it seems a very slow machine. I will test it at audio recording. I may install Ardor on this Mac Mini. I do know the Linux computer I have Ubuntu Studio installed on works.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Finally the e-mail store is backed up to the USB key

Finally I moved the copying job from the Dell Vostro which kept over heating to the newer Dell Precision and the files copied over fine and that is done now.

I am now focusing on making a copy of the files on my laptops for a year end back up. I did not actually use a desktop computer at home this past year.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I am still struggling to get one copy of my old email storage backed up to to an USB key.

I am working with old email storage on a network drive and using my Dell Vostro to copy the files to a 64GB USB key. These are emails from between 1996 and 2010.