Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Windows XP is now installed on the homebuilt PC and has been updated once with 46 updates. Now I am installing the motherboard drivers.

The Windows XP install worked and I updated the system using Windows Update

Now I am installing the drivers for the motherboard.

These include

  • an Intel Chipset Inf Update Program, now at version,
  • a high definition audio driver that is a SoundMax ADI1988B Audio Driver version,
  • a Marvell 61xx SATA RAID Driver version,
  • and finally a Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver version

Now I am installing motherboard applications. These include

  • a Marvell Yukon VCT application version
  • ASUS AI Gear version 1.00.16
  • ASUS AI Nap version

At this point the machine would not start Windows anymore so I am forced to reinstall Windows and this time not install so much stuff from the ASUS disk. This time I will not install the raid driver or applications. Hopefully this time I do not loose windows. I will also install the few drivers that I will install first then do a Windows Update. Strike one to ASUS.

I want to have the system up and running by 9:00 PM when I can play Eve Online again with the new expansion and hopefully in premium mode with advanced graphics.

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