Sunday, October 07, 2007

I am properly "by the book" reconditioning my Macbook battery.

I wonder if when I tried to buy an extra Macbook battery about half a year ago, I helped Apple discovery the flaw in the Macbook battery. They issued a firmware update or software update for that which I applied to my Macbook. They had also issued a firmware update earlier for the fan in the Macbook. At any rate I only have one battery and I am running my Macbook on battery power now and when it sleeps I will leave it off for five or more hours then re-power it. The Macbook might be off line from about 3 am until about 8 or 10 am. I will now update a few blogs and make sure to unplug the Macbook from digital audio and also external monitor so I can move it around this morning when I clean and move furniture. I am also buying a Pelican 1080 case for this Macbook before I carry it on my bike. That way it can be in an accident and if a car runs over it it will be safe.

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