Sunday, January 02, 2005

On My WinXP laptop: I uninstalled Microsoft Visual Studio. I also uninstalled R 1.9 and installed the latest R 2.0.1. I then cleaned up my disk space and defraged my hard drive. I later in the morning installed Ggobi. I got Ggobi to work using Di Cook's data from her paper(below). I used perldoc for the first time this morning and read an article in the Journal of Statistical Software on using PERL for statistics. It was Baiocchi, Giovanni. "Using Perl for Statistics: Data Processing and Statistical Computing" (2004) 11:1 Journal of Statistical Software.

On the eMac: I tried to install Xgobi but could not. I printed an article Cook, Dianne. "Calibrate Your Eyes to Recognize High-Dimensional Shapes from Their Low-Dimensional Projections" (1997) 2:6 Journal of Statistical Software. I did some web page graphics alignments and table formating using dreamweaver and completed more paid web work this way.

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