Saturday, April 17, 2004

I did some web mastering yesterday. I have about ten hours left from my client's last fiscal year. I am expecting to be paid soon and have given them an estimate for work time this coming year. I use really only my Thinkpad T30 for this work.

I spent six hours reinstalling Debian 2.1 on the Thinkpad 360SC. I figured I would only have the thing networked until my first reboot after logging in for the first time. So I downloaded as much of the debian archive for 2.1 main as I could. I was able to install a handful of applications using dselect this time. I will probably have to keep runing dselect a number of times. I am not using the best access method in dselect in other words I am not using apt. I might try to do that next.

I bid and won a Linksys etherfast PCMCIA card. I also bid on a Firewire PCMCIA card. I was surfing as well the IBM IDE PCMCIA cards and also bid on a Adaptect Slim SCSI PCMCIA card. All this shopping was on

Again this week I mostly used my eMac for daily computing and web surfing and email.

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