Random thoughts about using computers to do things. Presently using an Alienware Aurora Desktop (Windows 10) , a Dell XPS 13 developer edition (Ubuntu 19.04) a Dell Precision M2800 laptop (Windows 10), a Mac Mini, an Apple iPhone 7, an Apple iPad 6, a Samsung Galaxy S8, a Samsung Tab A (2018), an iPod Classic 160GB plus CD's, DVD's, USB keys, and zip disks everywhere. Enjoy learning computing with me.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Then I will work on the IBM Thinkpad 360SC. I am hoping with the Thinkpad that the new Linksys PCMCIA fast ethernet card will re-establish my network connection. Of course I will need to install the right driver to support the card.
Monday, April 26, 2004
- Bachmann, Glenn, Palm Programmming: The Authoriative Solution (Indianapolis, IN: Sams, 1999)
- This book explains the tools and code needed to make applications for the Palm handheld computer.
- Stevens, Al, Wiley's Teach Yourself C++ 7d (New York: Wiley, 2003)
- This book starts with the basics of programming in C++ similar to C and then goes further.
- Schroeder, Michael & Wagner, Gerd, eds., Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web: Second International Workshop, RuleML 2003 Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 2003 Proceedings (Berlin: Springer, 2003)
- This book includes papers about web searching technologies for example.
- Delwiche, Lora D. & Slaughter, Susan J., The Little SAS Book: a primer (Cary, NC: SAS Institute, 1998)
- This book teaches how to do basic SAS and describes the structure of programs, data formats, and use of Data and Proc steps.
- Denning, Dorothy E., Information Warfare and Security (Reading, Mass.: Adison-Wesley, 1999).
Speaking of Apple software. I upgraded to Panther about a month ago for my eMac. And still speaking of Apple, I made an order and saved it for later for an iPod 20GB and an iSight and a USB sound input device for a home studio. Total for this saved order is 1K. The iPod is for my wife. Honestly.
Friday, April 23, 2004
Thursday, April 22, 2004
- briefly studying
- Palm programming,
- Unjust Enrichment,
- Numerical Analysis,
- a little para-psychology and philosophy,
- a little about web searching technology based on communities of common interest,
- and reading the newspaper.
In the newspaper there was an article about bio-sensors or medical measuring devices built into a ring and using wireless communication to record patient vitals. I saved this article.
I also read city political news and scanned business headlines for the past month.
The paper about web searching technologies seemed to ignore that idea that communities of common interest are maybe unnatural and a way of being exclusive. But there were some eqautions made up that seemed rather arbitrary and some sort of pseudo math approach to web searching technology.
The para-psychology paper from The Journal of the Royal Institue of Philosophy was about why para-psychology or psychical research is an important philosophical topic. To state this thesis the author C. D. Broad described the limits that we generallly accept in the modern world about causation, timing of events, and mental events. He wrote this in 1949.
The numerical analysis reading I did was on about error and the occurance of error in input, problem solving and output.
The Unjust Enrichment book I am reading continued from the case it started with to a classification mapping of this area of law. Professor Ogilvie had stated that this law was not clear. Already Birks the author of the book I am reading has promised that this book will finally make this area of law clear.
In Palm programming I studied the standard Palm GUI buttons for selection by the user.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Monday, April 19, 2004
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Saturday, April 17, 2004
I spent six hours reinstalling Debian 2.1 on the Thinkpad 360SC. I figured I would only have the thing networked until my first reboot after logging in for the first time. So I downloaded as much of the debian archive for 2.1 main as I could. I was able to install a handful of applications using dselect this time. I will probably have to keep runing dselect a number of times. I am not using the best access method in dselect in other words I am not using apt. I might try to do that next.
I bid and won a Linksys etherfast PCMCIA card. I also bid on a Firewire PCMCIA card. I was surfing as well the IBM IDE PCMCIA cards and also bid on a Adaptect Slim SCSI PCMCIA card. All this shopping was on ebay.ca.
Again this week I mostly used my eMac for daily computing and web surfing and email.
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Sunday, April 11, 2004
My friend now also wants a LAN card from the same source namely ebay.ca. I will have to pick up another PCMCIA card later in the month for him. I also want to get an IBM IDE card from an ebay seller.
I installed Win98 on my my Duron 850 today. Now I am thinking of downloading all the Debian 2.1 archive and burning it to CD as the archive seems to be dissapearing from the net. Only one US ftp site seemed to be on-line over the past month.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
I downloaded and installed Netscape 7.02 for my friends computer. I also installed Sun Java 2 and this may have started some errors on his machine. Maybe this is one of those Sun v. Microsoft things. We seemed to have gotten rid of the addware on his computer for now. It is also much faster for surfing. I also installed 11 critical updates from Microosft for his Win98.
I use the eMac only yestersay to surf ebay and listen to tunes and use iChat with my brother in Toronto. He file transfered an old tune he wrote, sang and played in the early 1980's as an mp3. Hopefully this song will be sent to the no cause for concern radio web site.
Monday, April 05, 2004
I spent about two hours trying to install Debian Linux 2.1 on an old Thinkpad 360SC. It was extremely frustrating and I stayed up late doing it and then slept a lot and had a broken sleep last night.
Tonight I read about palm programming reviewing the first two chapters that I read last week, of a book on palm programming. I then installed a POSE and unpacked the SDK files onto my Fedora machine.
I have nicked named this machine LEAVES. The machine is an IBM 325 PC server with dual Pentium II 300Mhz processors. Maybe this acronym stands for Linux Educational Application v. Enterprise Solutions. It used to be part of a super computer I build and called Lamda after the Lambda moo which was legal example we studied in LAWS3501 last winter. This example of a community dispute in an on-line community came from Lawrence Lessig's book Code: and other laws of cyberspace. This same example is in Rob Kitcin's book Cyberspace.
I now want to install a POSE on my windows laptop because I just installed GCC and an IDE for GCC on this WinXP laptop.
But for now I must sleep and attend a University President's committee meeting tomorrow. Well actually later today but I am up late in the morning.